Institutum Herderianum Rigense:

Herder Institute in Riga as a science network in the European Science Network (HeInRi)

The educational center and scientific institution “Herder Institute in Riga” (HI) was a university whose history (1921-1939) and contribution to the genesis of modern science have an important place in the context of Latvia, Europe and the world. HeInRi is a project focusing on HI in the European Science Network.

Spengler’s correspondence in the context of Riga I

On the 4th of December, 1927 the former chairman of the Herders Society in Riga, lawyer Paul Ernst Emil von Sokolowski (1860-1934) sends a letter to Oswald Spengler in which he draws attention to the political situation in the Baltic region at that time. Among other things, this letter is a testament that Spengler’s connections to Riga and Latvia do not end after his visit in 1924. In the introduction of von Sokolowski’s long letter is written: “Unfortunately, I did not meet you in person, although I wanted to warmly greet you before leaving Munich as well as recommend you my friend and a lord from my county Eduard von Stackelberg Zutlem, who would like to discuss with you some issues regarding the Baltics. Both dark men, known to you, Kester [German ambassador, councillor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs] and Schiemann [German Baltic politician and culture worker], together with social democrats, who have got the paddles in Latvia, established a commercial treaty with the Soviets and thus again have given our freed land to Communists and their commercial factories.” In the conclusion of the letter Sokolowski emphasizes: “Excuse me for my expectations, but as a patriot of my country, I am worried. You are seeing the importance of these problems and you will well understand the reasons for my concerns. If someone has rooted in his country as much as me, then it is not a miracle that he would become that sensitive.” (See: Oswald Spengler, Briefe 1913-1936. In Zusammenarbeit mit Manfred Schröter herausgegeben von Anton M. Koktanek. München: Verlag C. H. Beck, 1963. 543.-545. pp.).

It is intended to uncover the context of von Sokolowski’s letter, O. Spengler’s connection to Riga and Latvia, as well as his view towards the history of the Baltic region and political actualities in the HeInRi research group’s publication in the journal “Forschungen zur Baltischen Geschichte” (2021/2022).

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University of Latvia, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and Ethics, Master’s student. Graduated from Liepāja State 1st Gymnasium, Architecture Department of Liepāja Secondary School of Design and Art. Studied at the Latvian Academy of Arts, Department of Art History. She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of Latvia, Faculty of History and Philosophy, and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. Spent a semester at the University of Helsinki within the ERASMUS + exchange program (2017). Has been in practice at the Latvian State Archives (2018), in the editorial office of the Internet magazine “Satori” (2019). Research interests are related to the history of philosophy, 20th century. French philosophy, phenomenology.

  • 1980-1991. – Ērgļi primary school and high school
  • 1992-1997. – Bachelor of Philosophy at the University of Latvia, Faculty of History and Philosophy (LU VFF)
  • 1997-1999 – Master’s studies in philosophy at LU VFF
  • 1999/2000 – Philosophy and recent history studies at the University of Mainz (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) within the framework of the ERASMUS program; study mentor: Head of Kant Research Center, Member of the Board of Kant Society, t. s. Förder- und Forschungsgemeinschaft Friedrich Nietzsche e.V. (later Nietzsche Society) co-founder prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Gerlach (1940-2011)
  • 1999-2003 – Doctor of Philosophy studies at LU VFF
  • 2001/2002 – Philosophy studies at the University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, WWU) with a Rotary Club Münster-Rüschhaus scholarship, mentor Prof. Dr. Ruth-Elisabeth Mohrmann (1945-2015)
  • 2003-2004 – LU Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of History of Philosophy, Assistant (Prof. Dr. Rihards Kūlis)
  • 2005 – LU VFF Department of Philosophy History lecturer
  • 2005 – Dr. phil. (Doctoral Thesis “Truth and Factuality. Martin Heidegger’s Early Philosophical Search 1909-1923.”)
  • From 2005 – Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (FSI)
  • From 2005 – Member of the Philosophy Terminology Subcommittee of the LAS Terminology Commission
  • 2006 – LU VFF Department of Philosophy History, Assistant Professor
  • From 2006 – Member of the Martin-Heidegger-Gesellschaft (Messkirch)
  • 2007-2011 – LU VFF Bachelor of Philosophy academic study program director
  • 2007-2011 – Member of LU VFF Council
  • September 2008 – internship at the University of Regensburg (UR) with the leader of the long-standing international Haman colloquium (since 1975) in the latest German literature Prof. Dr. Bernhard Gajek (* 1929)
  • From October 2008 – Latvian Science Council (LZP) expert in the Philosophy of Humanities and Social Sciences sub-branch
    From May 2009 – FSI Leading Researcher
  • February 2010 – exchange of experience of study program directors at the University of Tübingen (cooperation partner Prof. Dr. Michael Heidelberger)
  • 2010/2011 – Acting Head of the Department of History of Philosophy, LU VFF
  • 2011 – repeated internship at RU with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Gajek at the University of Regensburg
  • From June 2010 – Member of the LU VFF Philosophy Promotion Council
  • From June 2010 – Scientific Secretary of the LU VFF Philosophy Promotion Council
  • From 2012 – LU VFF Philosophy study program council member
  • From October 2014 – freelance methodologist of the State Education Content Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia
  • From March 2015 – LU VFF Associate Professor of the History of Philosophy
  • 2015 – repeated internship at RU with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Gajek at the University of Regensburg
  • From 2017 – LU Deputy Vice-Rector for Humanities and Education in the Council of Humanities and Education
  • 2017 – Member of the Publications Policy Commission of the University of Latvia
  • From 2017 – repeatedly a member of the LU VFF Council
  • From 2017 – Member of the Scientific Council of the University of Latvia FSI
  • From 2017 – LU VFF Philosophy and Ethics Department (FĒN) head
  • November 2017 – Conducting lectures and seminars organized by the Training Unit of the European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Translation “Philosophers Europes: political development of Europe and related terminology from a philosophical perspective” (European Parliament, Luxembourg)
  • April 2018 – Visiting Professor at the University of Potsdam (PU): Block seminar “Heidegger in Riga and Seine Herder-Auslegung” / Blockseminar an Universität Potsdam, Professur Kulturen der Aufklärung / DAAD-Zentraleinrichtung Bonn finanziertes ERASMUS+ Projekt “Medienpraktiken der Aufklärung”
  • 2018. november – Visiting Proffesor Université Bordeaux Montaigne / Hamann und Aufklärung / Blockseminar Universität Bordeaux / DAAD-Zentraleinrichtung Bonn finanziertes ERASMUS+ Projekt “Medienpraktiken der Aufklärung”, Prof. Dr. Tristan Coignard
  • From 2018 – Member of the Doctoral Council of History of the University of Latvia
  • From January 1, 2019 – co-founder and president of Martin Heidegger Society in Latvia (MHBL)
  • November 2019 – Visiting Professor Universität Innsbruck (UI), Institute of Philosophy / Sinnlichkeit – Kreis – Verweigerung: Hamann – Herder – Heidegger (cooperation partner: Prof. Dr. Paola-Ludovika Coriando)
  • From 2019 – Member of the Klages-Gesellschaft Marbach e.V.
  • From 2019 – Deputy Chairman of the LZP Humanities and Arts Sciences Experts Commission
  • From 2019 – Member of the Board of the Central and East European Society for Phenomenology (CEESP)
  • From 2019 – Member of the FORTHEM University Network Committee
  • From 2019 – Chairman of the LU Philosophy Promotion Council
  • From 2020 – Member of the History Promotion Council of the University of Latvia
  • From 2020 – Member of the LZP Advisory Council
  • From 2020 – Member of the Scientific Council of the International Society of Heidegger (Martin-Heidegger-Gesellschaft Messkirch)
  • From 2020 – Corresponding member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS)
  • From 2020 – Member of the Humanities and Social Sciences Council of the University of Latvia
  • From 2020 – Member of the Ethics Commission of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Latvia


  • Bičevskis, R. / Brombach, B. Kulturpolitik und Wissenstransfer am Herderinstitut zu Riga? Ein Beitrag zur intellektuellen Geschichte des Baltikums in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren. In: Forschungen zur Baltischen Geschichte Nr. 14 (2019), S. 136-156.
  • Bičevskis, R. Johann Georg Hamann zwischen der Bildung der Handelsrepublik und der Bildung des Nichtwissens. In: Baltisch-deutsche Kulturbeziehungen vom 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert. Medien – Institutionen – Akteure. Hrsg. von Raivis Bičevskis, Jost Eickmeyer, Andris Levans, Anu Schaper, Björn Spiekermann, Inga Walter. Band 2: Zwischen Aufklärung und nationalem Erwachen. Heidelberg: Winter-Verlag, 2019. S. 235-258.
  • Bičevskis, R., Eickmeyer, J., Levans, A., Schaper, A., Spiekermann, B., Walter, I., Einleitung. In: Baltisch-deutsche Kulturbeziehungen vom 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert. Medien – Institutionen – Akteure. Band 2: Zwischen Aufklärung und nationalem Erwachen. Heidelberg: Winter-Verlag, 2019. S. 1-19.
  • Bičevskis, R. “Wunder von ferne oder traum/Bracht ich an meines landes saum”. Heideggers Beziehungen zu Riga und seine Herder-Auslegung im Seminar des Sommersemesters 1939 “Zur Wesung des Wortes”. In: Language and Thinking in a Post-Metaphysical Age: Plato, Aristotle, Husserl, and the Unthought Question of Ethics and Politics. Hrsg. von Parvis Emad, Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann, Paola-Ludovika Coriando, Frank Schalow, Pascal David, Ingeborg Schüßler (Heidegger Studies=Heidegger Studien=Etudes Heideggeriennes Vol. 34). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2018. S. 17-41.
  • Bičevskis, R. Heidegger in Riga. Biographische Skizze und Anmerkungen zu Heideggers Herder-Rezeption. In: Triangulum: Germanistisches Jahrbuch 2016 für Estland, Lettland und Litauen. 22. Folge. Bonn, 2017. S. 29-44.
  • Bičevskis, R. Der Realismus Oswald Külpes im Kontext der erkenntnistheoretischen und ontologischen Versuche des jungen Martin Heidegger. In: Raivis Bičevskis. Discipline Filosofiche Vol. 27, N 2: Rivista fondata da Enzo Melandri. Periodicità semestrale (2017), S. 81-105.
  • Bičevskis, R. Unity and Difference: Johann Gottfried Herders Philosophy. In: Vienotība un atšķirība: Johana Gotfrīda Herdera filozofija. Rīga: Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 2017. P. 449-453.
  • Bičevskis, R. Erica Sehl: A brief Biography from 1902-1934. In: Рустик: The Early Russian and Baltic Phenomenology Working Group 2016 (Aug 17). URL:
  • Bičevskis, R. Seelenmanumission. Bemerkungen zur Hamann-Forschung in Riga. In: Hamanns Briefwechsel: Acta des Zehnten Internationalen Hamann-Kolloquiums an der Martin Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg 2010. (Hamann-Studien, Bd.1). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016. S. 347-358.
  • Bičevskis, R. Kant, Heidegger and Lebenswelt. In: Kants, Heidegers un dzīvespasaule Riga: FSI, 2015. P. 559-561.
  • Bičevskis, R. The Magus of the North. Johann Georg Hamann. In: Ziemeļu mags. Johans Georgs Hāmanis. Riga: FSI, 2014. P. 395-398.
  • Bičevskis, R. / Taimina, A. Johann Georg Hamanns kameralwissenschaftliche Studien und Johann Christoph Berens‘ Vision von Riga: ein utopisches Projekt aus der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. In: Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte Bd. 8 (2013). Tartu: Akadeemiline Ajalooselts, 2013. S. 127-144.
  • Bičevskis, R. Rigaer Herbst Heideggers: zwischen Natur und Heimat, und der philosophischen Landschaft in Lettland. In: Heidegera Rīgas rudens. Martins Heidegers Rīgā. Riga: LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 2011. S. 363-380.
  • Bičevskis, R. Kommentar zu Paul Jurevičs „Begegnung mit Martin Heidegger und seiner Philosophie. In: Heidegger und Nationalsozialismus I: Dokumente. Hrsg. von Alfred Denker, Holger Zaborowski. München: Verlag Karl Alber Freiburg, 2010. S. 264-267.
  • Bičevskis, R. 18th-19th century German philosophy in Latvia within the context of European philosophical and theological tradition: Hamann and Herder. In: Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia. Nr. 2: The European connection: Baltic intellectuals and the history of Western philosophy and theology (2006). P. 4-26.
  • Bičevskis, R. Die “Phänomene von dem funesto veterno des Weltalters”: Johann Georg Hamanns Kritik von Kants “Kritik der reinen Vernunft” im Kontext der Lebensphilosophie und der Phänomenologie-Debatte. In: Phenomenology and Aesthetics: 3rd Conference on Traditions and Perspectives of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern Europe, 29 June -1 July, 2017. Riga, 2017. P. 4.
  • Bičevskis, R. Johann Georg Hamann zwischen der Bildung der Handelsrepublik und der Bildung des Nichtwissens. In: Baltic Educational Histories: Interdisciplinary conference, 19-22 September 2016, University of Tartu. Tartu, 2016. P.15-16.
  • Bičevskis, R. Johann Georg Hamanns sinnliche Sprache der Natur im Kontext der Muendlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit in der Kultur. In: Suuline ja kirjalik kultuuris: põimumised ja põrkumised. Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum. Eesti-uuringute Tippkeskus Tartu: EKM Teaduskirjastus, 2016. S.13.